3D Dominican Republic


Name Lat (deg) Lon (deg) Elevation (m) Site Type
ONAMET Met Garden 18.473391 -69.870553 10.0 Atmosphere
    3D-Printed Automatic Weather Station test site located at ONAMET Headquarters

3D-PAWS DR Site 2 18.454246 -70.008259 10.0 Atmosphere
    3D-Printed Automatic Weather Station Dominican Republic Site 2

Mirador Sur 18.442855 -69.958059 14.0 Atmosphere
    3D-PAWS site located in the Mirador Sur park

DR Navy Base 18.467902 -69.880639 4.0 Coastal
    Storm Surge Gauge located at the DR Navy Base Pier

Haina Port 18.417052 -70.01978 3.0 Coastal
    Storm Surge Gauge located at Haina Port